20 products
Showing 1 - 20 of 20 products
Enjoy cleaner sessions with an ash catcher. This bong accessory attaches to your water pipe, providing an added layer of filtration and preventing ashes and other debris from entering the chamber. Find both 45 degree ash catchers and 90 degree ash catchers available in 14mm and 18mm fittings.
Showing 1 - 20 of 20 products

Silicone And Glass Reclaim Or Dry Ashcatcher 14mm 45 Degree
Sale price$25.00

10mm To 14mm Ash Catcher With 45 Degree Neck And Shower Head Perc
Sale price$40.00

10mm To 14mm Ash Catcher With 90 Degree Neck And Shower Head Perc
Sale price$40.00

10mm To 14mm Ash Catcher With 45 Degree Neck And Removable Downstem
Sale price$40.00

10mm To 14mm Ash Catcher With 90 Degree Neck And Removable Downstem
Sale price$40.00

Pink 14mm Ash Cathcer With 90 Degree Joint And Tree Perc
Sale price$40.00

Milkyway Glass - Space Odyssey Wet Ashcatcher - 45 Degree Male Green
Sale price$60.00

Milkyway Glass - X-Morphic Dry Ashcatcher - 45 Degree Male Clear
Sale price$55.00

Milkyway Glass - Space Odyssey Dry Ashcatcher - 45 Degree Male Clear
Sale price$55.00

C2 Custom Creations - 14mm Ashcatcher Ratchet Perc
Sale price$100.00

Freeze Pipe - 14mm Recycler Ash Catcher With Shower Head Perc
Sale price$60.00

Encore Glass 14mm Ash Cathcer With 90 Degree Joint And Turbine Perc
Sale price$40.00

14mm Ash Catcher With 90 Degree Joint And Blue Showerhead Perc
Sale price$40.00
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